Oh what do you do in the Summer time, when all the world is HOT?! ... Create your own fun inside! That's what Weston does, at least.
Try as I might, Weston somehow seems to find new things to get into on a DAILY basis. Here's just a FEW of his recent escapades...
decorating the bathroom
emptying the shredder (i promise the shredder is powered off AND unplugged!)
scaling the luggage
reorganizing the pantry (how does he know he's supposed to drink the soda?! :) )

rummaging through the ads
saving the ads from the recycle man
Do you notice his mischievous grin in each scenario, once he realizes he's been caught. How can I get mad at that?!
A few regular occurrences that I don't have pics of yet: pulling the laundry out of the laundry basket, climbing up onto the treadmill, pulling the silverware out of the dishwasher, eating the dog food (he likes it!, this is a BIG problem), and chewing the computer cords.
Ugh, he wears me out! I promise, I DO watch my child, he's just very fast at getting into mischief!
(Notice the bruise on his forehead. It's from climbing over and diving head first in to the empty tub. Just another one of his adventures. :) )