Figures the one group shot turned out blurry! Sorry!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm Such a Slacker
Figures the one group shot turned out blurry! Sorry!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Cold Stone is giving away free icecream tonight from 5-8pm to celebrate their anniversary.
You scream, I scream, we all scream for FREE icecream!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My Six Kids
Poulsen was saving a few cupcake crumbs for later!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Quick, Easy, and Utterly Delicious

Yesterday, as I was preparing for my primary lesson (I teach the 3 yr. old sunbeams), I realized I did not have anything suitable to bring for a treat. I usually try and bring a little snack for my kids each week because it is nearly impossible for three-year-olds to go three hours without food. I've also found that it helps maintain their attention and my sanity! Now, I normally try and bring something with at least a little nutritional value, but there's not much you can do with an empty pantry on Sunday morning. With only an hour left before it was time to leave, I suddenly remembered a quick, easy recipe that Hilary Gardiner gave me last fall. It's for the most basic, but delicious, pumpkin cookies you've ever had. Just mix a 15 oz. can of pumpkin with a box of Spice Cake cake mix and put it in the oven on 350 for about 10 minutes. That's it! Two ingredients! I think the recipe Hilary gave me also called for chocolate chips, but since I'm not a huge chocolate chip fan, I decided to try white chocolate chips. OMG! They were to die for!! I also made a few plain ones and put cream cheese frosting on them. Also, to die for! Thanks so much Hilary for this quick, easy recipe that saved the day. I think I've eaten almost 30 in just the last two days, but I guess that just means they'll be gone sooner...right?!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
We're Now Official Bloggers!
Well...we did it! I finally gave into the constant pressure from friends and family to start a blog. I don't really know why, though! I don't know what to do with these things! Who really wants to read about us? I guess plenty of people, though, because I'm sick of all the harassment. So here it is!
Quick catch up on us...
Brett and I met in Utah at BYU. Brett had been home from his mission in Puerto Rico for almost a year and I was a brand new freshman straight out of high school. :) We actually met before school even started. A friend of mine had a brother who served his mission with Brett. Anyways, we started out as a big group of friends but after a few months, our relationship started to progress to something more. After dating for a few months, Brett thought it would be wise to come to Arizona for Christmas to meet my family. My family didn't even know we were dating, so I'm not quite sure what possessed him to make such a bold move! Regardless, while in Arizona, we took an eventful trip to the sand dunes in Yuma, where I proceeded to crash my quad and re-break my ankle that had previously been broken and repaired with surgery. Long story short, Brett ended up pushing me, in my wheelchair, through the snow around BYU for the semester. I think this is really what solidified our relationship! :) In March Brett proposed, knowing there was no way he could keep me to himself while we were apart all summer, unless we were engaged. We got married in July of '04 and set up our home in Orem. I entered the Dental Hygiene program at UVSC that fall and Brett continued to work on his bachelor's from BYU. We both graduated in April of '06 (on the same day, at the EXACT same time!), and Brett was accepted to start medical school at Midwestern University in Glendale, AZ that fall. I was thoroughly ecstatic to be moving home and out of the snow! We now live in a beautiful home in Peoria, AZ, a few minutes from Brett's school. Brett is done with his first two years of medical school, and has now moved out of the classroom and into the hospital as he starts rotations. I work at a nearby dental office cleaning teeth and visiting with patients that I absolutely adore. We've been married for four years and are loving life (and each other!). We are extremely blessed for everything we have.
Now, instead of trying to blog exactly what we've been up to for the last 4 years, I thought I would just let pictures tell the story. It was hard for me to pick just a few pictures to recount everything (considering I have over 5,000 pictures just from the last 4 years!), so I went through every year and picked several to represent each year. You all know I am a little camera crazy so I had plenty to pick from. Hope this helps catch some of you up that we haven't heard from in a while. For the rest of you, sorry to bore you, but don't worry, I'm sure I'll have new posts soon!