Monday, August 2, 2010

Miracles Happen

To say that the last two weeks have been agonizing, stressful, and exhausting would be a great understatement. 
To say that the last two weeks have also been remarkable, miraculous, and joyous, would be an even greater understatement. 

Twelve days ago, on Tuesday, July 20th, my 19-year-old brother Spencer suffered a very severe brain injury after falling off his longboard and landing on his head.  Spencer was rushed to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital, where the initial prognosis for his survival was deemed very grim.  He broke all the bones in his left ear and suffered too many skull fractures to count.  He spent several days in the ICU under coma-like sedation, connected to every conceivable monitor, tube, and wire; and endured brain surgery to remove a hematoma from his skull that was putting too much pressure on his brain.  While in the hospital he also contracted pneumonia and meningitis.  Spencer's body suffered a great deal, but I am overjoyed to report that this afternoon Spencer was cleared to go home!!  He is off all the monitors and machines, and the pneumonia and meningitis have been eliminated.  All 70 staples (minus one they missed :) ) have been removed from his head, and he is off all pain meds other than ibuprofen. He is walking (with support), talking, and definitely still has his same personality.  We are ECSTATIC and SO THANKFUL!! 

I haven't had the words to describe my feelings until recently, but now, two weeks after the accident and as he is headed home, two words specifically stick out in my mind: gratitude and awe.

Gratitude for the modern medicine and science that helped keep Spencer alive and will continue to help Spencer recover (hopefully eventually to his perfect old self)
Gratitude to the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G doctors and staff at Scottsdale Osborn who gave Spencer the best care we could have ever wished for
Gratitude for Spencer's amazing ability to fight and endure
Gratitude for the overwhelming love, support, and concern we received from innumerable sources, including many of you
Gratitude for the power of prayer and fasting, especially in massive numbers
Gratitude for the comfort and assurance the gospel brings through very trying times
and most importantly
Gratitude to my Heavenly Father for hearing our prayers and preserving Spencer's life

Awe that Spencer could start to recover so quickly from such a traumatic injury (one ICU nurse said it's the quickest she's seen in 20 years!)
Awe of the significant improvements Spencer continues to make day to day
Awe of the limitless charity and compassion of others
Awe of Spencer's ability to deal emotionally with the challenges he's suffered
Awe of our infinite blessings
Awe of observing a true miracle

What's next: Spencer's amazing progress and recovery has enabled him to go directly home from the hospital, instead of to a rehab facility as originally thought.  He will still have to have daily physical and neurological therapy, but will be able to do this on an outpatient basis. The broken bones in his left ear will not be addressed for another month or two, to allow his brain to continue to heal.  At that time, the goal will be to restore hearing to his left ear.  Spencer still has a long road of recovery ahead, but it is one we are happy to deal with.  For those who would like to follow Spencer's progress, a blog has recently been set up chronicling his recovery at  All the daily emails containing his status and updates that were sent out during his time in the hospital have been posted.

Thanks to all who have given their support, love, and prayers over the last two weeks.  We could not have done this without you.  And thanks again, to my Heavenly Father, who answered our prayers more thoroughly than we ever could have expected.


  1. Amazing, it sounds like he is a fighter! Hope he continues to improve, you all are in our thoughts and prayers!

  2. Oh my goodness Rachel!!!! I am so sorry your family has had to go through this, but so very very happy to hear the good ending!!! I am so glad he is ok and was amazed reading that story! Wow. Miracles really do happen and your brother is one of them.

  3. Wow Rachel. What a traumatic experience for your family to have to endure. It's wonderful to hear how great he is doing. Isn't medicine amazing! And wonderful doctors on top of that. I have come to truly appreciate the two the past week myself. It sounds like you really did witness a miracle, how amazing. I'm happy for you and your family. I'm sure he will continue to get stronger and stronger!

  4. WOW! What a life changing experiance for you and your family! I had no clue he was even in an accident (probably because our parents aren't in the same ward anymore)!

    Our thoughts are with you and your fam and we pray that he keeps getting better and better everyday!

    What a miracle!

  5. Rachel you are amazing and have incredible strength. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let me know if you need anything.

  6. Such an amazing experience! We wish Spencer and your family the best!!

  7. OMGOODNESS Rach! I had no idea! I can't believe you sent me a birthday card in the middle of this. I am so glad to read the story on the blog and hear about his progress! My heart goes out to you and your family. We will keep you all in our prayers.

  8. So sorry to hear that happened. Hope everything continues to go well.

  9. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry about your brother, but so glad he is recovering! I will definitely keep him and your family in my prayers.

  10. That is a scary thing to have happen.
    I'm so glad he is recovering well.

  11. All I can say is wow - you and your family are amazing! I'm so glad your brother is doing so well, I love hearing miraculous stories so thanks for sharing!

  12. Wow, I am so sorry to hear that your brother and family have gone through such a difficult time. I am so glad your brother seems to be making such a miraculous recovery!!! He sounds like an amazing person! Keeping your family in my thoughts.

  13. Isn't it strange how small and large miracles can change the perspective we have on life...not that I enjoy going through trials but I find that when I do, not only is my testimony strengthened but I can't help but love my family more for the simple things they do, give and help out with...something I should be appreciative for anyways...but sometimes I guess I need that little shake up to make me realize how blessed I am.

    I'm so happy for you and your family, that everything is working out...Enjoy:D!!!!!!

  14. Such a Miracle!! I am so happy that he has gotten to go home, and what a blessing to have such good doctors and technology! Let us know if you guys need anything, we'd love to come by and visit! But thanks for the update on Spencer, he's been in our prayers.
