So...I've been tagged by both Amelia and Devin. Thanks girls! :)
First, I have to come up with 7 random things about myself. Easier said than done. Here goes...
1. I have a SEVERE fear of bees. Brett has actually used his "doctor knowledge" and diagnosed me with a PHOBIA of bees; it's called apiphobia. I think the problem is I have never actually been stung by one, and so I have this overbearing, and completely irrational, fear that I am deathly allergic and when I get my first sting I will go into anaphalactic shock and die. I know it's ridiculous, but it overcomes me. Just thinking about bees right now is making my heart race uncontrollably, and soon I'll be hyperventilating. I better move on to the next one!
2. I was a HORRIBLE child. Not just a really bad kid, but I actually almost convinced our neighbors to not have children! My parents tried everything they could short of beating me to stop my screaming fits, but to no avail. Someone had suggested to make a child calm down you can mist them in the face with a water bottle. Of course, this didn't work either. Worn out, my parents decided to take this suggestion to the next level. When I started screaming, they would simply hold me under a very cold shower and wouldn't pull me out until I stopped my tantrum. It didn't hurt me, but it was definitely uncomfortable! It actually worked, and I guess I eventually overcame my severe attitude problems. Don't worry, it's very rare that Brett has to throw me back in there. :)
3. I have E.T. fingers. No, I'm not an extra-terrestrial, but my fingertips turn almost a glowing white when I get too cold. I have what's called Raynaud's disease. Basically, when I get cold my blood vessels constrict and don't allow blood to my extremities: my fingers, toes, nose, and ears. My skin turns white and becomes cold and numb. This is why am so intolerant of the cold. I think it will come as a good excuse when Brett tries to convince me to move back to Utah. Sorry Blasers! :)
4. I was offered several full-ride scholarships (including housing and books) to several different colleges and universities that I did not even apply to, but I turned them all down for a tuition-only scholarship to BYU. I turned that down a year later, when I transferred to UVSC to attend their Dental Hygiene program. Apparently I don't appreciate free money...or I just knew what I wanted. I was graduated from college and licensed as a Dental Hygienist by the time I was 20.
5. I cannot do a single sit up. No, not one! But don't they say it's much more safe and effective to just do crunches instead? I agree with that! :)
6. I recently learned I LOVE onions! I always thought I hated onions, until one day I accidentally got onions on my In-n-out burger. One burger later, I realized I absolutely LOVE them. My new motto: The more onions, the better! Brett's convinced I could eat a whole one like an apple. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking about trying it!
7. Another thing I am paranoid of: being kidnapped and raped. Lovely, huh?! I will not go outside at night by myself if I can avoid it. I always watch the cars behind me when I'm driving to make sure no one is following me. I would not sleep in our house until we got an alarm system. We set it every time we leave, and I set it every night before we go to bed. I always get my keys out of my purse before I leave a store, and I check the cars around mine to make sure they are empty before I walk up to my car. Yes, it's all very ridiculous, but again, I can't help it!
Hopefully, you will all still be my friends after all these weird things you have learned about me. :)
Ok, next tag. The eights.
Eight shows I like to watch:
Prison Break
So You Think You Can Dance
The Soup (Joel McHale is the funniest person on this planet!)
Any show on Discovery HEALTH!
Friends (Still my fav show ever, I own every season on DVD)
Eight Restaurant I like to eat at:
Outback (my absolute fav!)
Cheesecake Factory
Costa Vida
Melting Pot
Paradise Bakery
Cold Stone
Tia Rosa's, Serranos, Abuelo's, Arriba's, Filiberto's (basically any mexican restaraunt; I could eat Mexican for every meal every day)
Eight things I've done today:
Woke up at 4:00am to bid farewell to Brett as he prepared to drive back to Tucson after a quick trip home
Went back to bed, and then got back up at 9:00. I love sleeping in!
Checked my email
Prepared my lesson for church (yes, the day of...)
Washed my hair (Ask Brett, this is a rare occurrence! :))
Played with my dogs
Went to church
Went to some friends' house for Sunday night games
Eight things I am looking forward to:
My BFF Kim coming this weekend from CA
The Twilight movie
Thanksgiving, YUM!!
Our upcoming trip to Utah for snowboarding, The Nutcracker, reunions with friends, family parties, and of course, CHRISTMAS!
My cute Bro coming home from his mission in good ol' NYC
Summer! (Winter has just barely started and I'm already sick of it!)
Not having to work anymore (Someday...)
For Brett to start making money, instead of paying money, for all these hours he is working so hard
Eight things on my wish list:
Travel the world
ICL(implantable lens) eye surgery...happening soon, hopefully!
To stay living in AZ, or at least somewhere WARM
The 14 day trans-atlantic cruise with a Flowrider (I'm still working on Brett for this one)
Our master room to be decorated (the only room I haven't even started on still)
A Lexus SC430 convertible :) (yeah right!)
To get caught back up with all my scrapbooking
A happy, healthy family someday
Eight people I tag: (Sorry ladies! You can pick either one)
Paige R.
Bridget P.
Christie B.
Bobbie R.
Niki S.
Sommer M.
Nicole R.
Morgan P.